Saturday, January 23, 2010

We used to have an empire… The arcade room!

If you lived in the late '70s/'80s and you are reading this blog, you probably spent far too much of your time in places like this picture – moving from machine to machine with a sweaty clutch of quarters, racking up crazy scores on crazy games, forging mini-rivalries with fellow gamers, cultivating a three-letter personality and setting him loose as a warrior of the high-score tables…

We miss all of that a lot. So, how about we try to dredge it back up from our memories before time and the drudges of middle-age smother it forever?
Just for fun, we can start by creating our own amusement arcade with these mini paper arcade machine cabinets (see below). But first, you'll need to download some arcade ambience sounds from the Arcade Ambience Project Page site, play some background music of the 80's and then start working on those paper arcade cabinets. ;-)

Mini Paper Arcade Machine Cabinets

Here are some more paper cabinets templates:
Defender ♦ Gauntlet ♦ GravitarPac-ManRobotronTempestGalaxianBurgertimeDonkey Kong 3 ♦
Dragon's LairGalagaMs. Pac-ManMortal Kombat IIMario Bros ♦ PopeyeDonkey Kong JuniorCentipedeMillipedeDig-DugContra ♦ Rally-XVs. Super Mario ♦
special thanks to:, Cowboy Geoff / Flickr