Tuesday, January 26, 2010

TRON - Computer Realities 1982

Here's a cool video that some guy recorded on VHS of the 'Making-of' the movie TRON and the Cray 1 supercomputer that was used for its 3D animations at that time; In the up coming 'Tron: Legacy' movie, we'll take for granted the evolution and power of today's computers for computerized animation movies and for us to be able to watch them at IMAX with special 3D glasses. When we stop to think about it, this is quite a giant leap since. I now wonder what we will have in the next 30 years!

The Cray-1 was a 80 MHz computer, the first customer paid US$8.86 million ($7.9 million plus $1 million for the disks) The first standard software package was the Cray Operating System (COS) (later UNICOS, Cray's UNIX flavour), Cray Assembler Language (CAL), and Cray FORTRAN (CFT), the first automatically vectorizing FORTRAN compiler. ~wikipedia

Wow, that's almost $8M for the computer and $1M for the disks; the Cray 1 was also a huge computer; I like the cooling system on it. In 2007, the fastest PC processors perform over 130 times faster than a Cray-1 and sold below $1,000!

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